Most holidays have traditional kids’ crafts, but to me, one comes to mind immediately. The classic Hand Turkey! I think every American child has made one once in their lives, mostly because it’s so simple to do and very few supplies and little prep time is required. Don’t get me wrong, I love this activity for preschoolers! It is a fantastic small-motor exercise–tracing their own fingers, coloring, and maybe cutting. If you are looking for something new to do with your child this Thanksgiving, check out the following crafts and activities!
Beyond Hand Turkeys: New Favorite Thanskgiving Crafts

Thanksgiving Writing Tray
Using inexpensive cornmeal, a tray, and any combination of beads, sticks, and tools, create a writing tray that will allow your preschooler to create lines, shapes, and letters, practicing their small motor skills. Check out the blog at to find more creative ways to use this sensory activity!

Golf Tee Turkey
Use half of a styrofoam sphere and some construction paper to create the turkey base, then let your preschooler decorate the turkey with colorful golf tee “feathers” to create this cute turkey centerpiece. See the step-by-step creation of this fine motor craft over at’s blog!

Dancing Corn Science Project
This science project needs only things you probably already have in your house, and will amaze very young children, as well as older kids! They will learn about chemical reactions when they add baking powder to vinegar & water bubbles are created that make the corn “dance!” Learn the steps of this experiment at the Little Bins for Little Hands’ page!